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Other Services

Vow Renewal
Simply put, a vow renewal is a way to celebrate your marriage. Perhaps you've made it to 2, 5, 10, 25 or 50 years together and you want the world to know you'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. Maybe you want to reaffirm your commitment to each other after a rough period in your relationship. There's no wrong reason to renew. I can help you create a ceremony that is perfect for you both.
Puberty rites are cultural events that mark one’s transition into maturity. They can be ceremonies, rituals, tests, or simply periods of instruction that provides individuals with the knowledge or abilities needed to occupy a new status and privilege. This is a hugely significant time in our lives and should you chose to mark this with your child, I can help.
Eldership and Retirement
We all get older, day by day and this is unavoidable, but instead of viewing ageing with upset and horror, eldership rites can allow you to embrace yet another transitional stage in your life with honesty and joy. I can help you fashion a ceremony that includes reflection, transformation and celebration.
Pre Funeral Plan
As with most things in life, you have the right to chose the funeral you want. By taking the initiative and setting out what you want now, you can get on with living your life, knowing that when the time comes your loved ones will know what you wanted and be spared from having to make difficult decisions. Your wishes should
be honoured and I can guide you step-by-step through the process of writing them down and how to ensure that your loved ones know of your wishes.

In addition to the services mentioned I can create you bespoke ceremonies for any occasion you wish to mark or honour. Each and every milestone that we pass can prove emotional and transitional. Life is full of these big moments that mark a new beginning and often change us as people. What ever rite of passage you wish to
hold a ceremony for and however you wish to mark this, I can help.

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